Rate Sheet

Per Page (Times New Roman, size 12 or equivalent, double-spaced, 250 words per page):

Proofreading Only
(Spelling, punctuation, grammar, consistent format)

Copy Editing
(proofreading, changes/suggestions for word choice, phrasing, clarity, grammar, syntax; check consistency of footnotes and bibliography, check index for accuracy)

Advanced Editing
(proofreading, copy editing, revisions for readability and style)

.25/entry or $2.50/indexable page

Per Project:
Individual estimates can be created depending on the individual project. Projects of a technical nature will be more than fiction or those written in plainer language. Projects consisting of large amounts of work may be negotiated for a lesser fee per book/paper due to the size of the overall project.

Large projects can be put on payment plans. I require 25% upfront. This is non-refundable. Three more payments would be expected, evenly spaced throughout the work period. In some cases, I am willing to consider monthly payments after the initial down payment.

I have a special place in my heart for books about pregnancy, childbirth and parenting due to my past training. If you are looking for an editor for a book in this genre, I am very familiar with terminology and other details.

Small Projects:
For articles, essays, theses, dissertations, and so on, I charge a minimum of $25 per project. If the word count at my editing or proofreading rate adds up to more than $25 then I will charge the per-page rate. Payment is expected when the edit is complete and I return the file to you.

My rate includes any additional readings required. However, if after the edit you add new information to the document I will charge you a per word rate for the extra words. (This is only applicable if the added content adds the equivalent of a page or more to your document.)

I am happy to transcribe written notes, genealogy records or other items from handwriting to a computer file. I can decipher most handwriting without difficulty unless it is extremely faded. I charge a minimum of $10 for small projects of two pages or less. Larger projects will require more information so I can make a quote.

Need Help Writing?

I can help you outline your idea and get going on your book. This is called developmental editing. I can also ghostwrite if you need it. Contact me with the details and we’ll figure out a price for your project.

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